Breed or best guess / M or F / Y or N /
Where did you adopt the dog from? Parents? Number of pups in the litter? Rescue? As much info as you know
Operations; behaviour before / after desexing ; medications / allergies / food allergies
What do they eat? When and how much? Favourite treats and chews?
how often? how long? do they dream? what position do the sleep in? would they get 8 hours uninterrupted sleep per night? do they wake when they hear a noise or move or just lift an ear then drift off again etc etc
Again, please include as much as you can think of, what they are like with other animals, relationship to animals in the household, relationship to people, what makes them happy, how relaxed are they, are they sensitive to anything - noise, touch, travel, what activities do they like, what makes them anxious, what they are like at the vet, how do they display any of this behaviour?, any bite history, what level and frequency, prey drive etc etc
To check your dog’s respiration rate, count his chest movements (in and out is one breath) for 20 seconds and multiply by 3 to get the total number of breaths per minute. Practice at home, when you and your dog are both relaxed or your dog is sleepy.
For how long has the dog’s behaviour and/or health been a concern? Did the issue/s arise suddenly or have they been progressive? Any incidents or environmental changes you can think of, no matter how small? New animal /neighbour /groomer etc
What are your training goals, short, mid and long term?
How much time to you have to commit to a behaviour modification program?
1. Very busy don’t have much time to commit to training
2. I can schedule in a few sessions a week training
3. I can schedule in daily training if I know what I am doing
4. Whatever it takes, I’m totally committed to training
5. Other…. please explain…………
Trainers, age of dog, method of training, type of collars, harness, leash etc. Detail required please.
**This is VERY important** Change in your relationship, health, your medical status, family financial issues, stress levels, moved house, death of animal or person?ANY AND ALL information is good even if you think it’s "nothing". I assure you I'm not interested your personal life rather, because behaviour does not happen in isolation, I'm looking for any/all experiences that are influencing your dog/s behaviour.
Was your dog allowed to meet and greet dogs on lead as a puppy? Has he had any incidents with other dogs while he’s been on the lead or tied up? What is she like off lead? Any particular breeds /colour /coat type that he reacts to? Does she go to a groomer? How does he cope? Have you ever stayed to watch? Do you live by an AirBnB? Etc etc etc